Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) 0

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Free Download Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
Director: Sergio Leone
Writer: Dario Argento, Bernardo Bertolucci, Sergio Leone, Sergio Leone, Sergio Donati, Mickey Knox
Stars: Henry Fonda, Charles Bronson and Claudia Cardinale
Genres: Western
Country: Italy | USA
Language: English
Release Date: 21 December 1968 (Italy)

Story of a young woman, Mrs. McBain, who moves from New Orleans to frontier Utah, on the very edge of the American West. She arrives to find her new husband and family slaughtered, but by who? The prime suspect, coffee-lover Cheyenne, befriends her and offers to go after the real killer, assassin gang leader Frank, in her honor. He is accompanied by Harmonica on his quest to get even. Get-rich-quick subplots and intricate character histories intertwine with such artistic flair that this could in fact be the movie-to-end-all-movies.

CD1 || CD2

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